„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 [email protected]

Group for fire protection and safety at work

⮞ Sasho Stojmanovski,  President, TEHNOINSPEKT, Skopje

⮞ Borche Stojchevski,  Vice president, PRORISK, Skopje

Initiative for meeting with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Protection and Saving Directorate for amending of the Rulebook which regulate the obligation for equipment in the vehicles (Official Gazette of RM No. 31/2010 and Official Gazette of RM No.48/2010)  

Contact person: Biljana Peeva Gjurikj
Operations Director for Member Representation and Networking

Phone: + 389 2 3244034,
Cell: 072 236 710
E-mail: [email protected]